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Day 10 - Feeling Better

Wrapped up the weekend with the same intensity as I would during the week.  There really is no break from the same daily monotonous routine. Essentially, it’s the same treatments except for swapping out the hyperthermic chamber with the infrared sauna. There were a few added treatments, but they only consist of an additional shot or another IV.  However, there are some highlights that I am very grateful for this week.  Before I came to the spa, I had very low energy, no appetite, nauseous, and insomnia.  I made note of the mornings I had slept most of the night, I have more energy and less nausea.  Most nights the pain has completely diminished.  Yesterday I had buckwheat, banana, protein pancakes with scrambled eggs and fish tacos with real fish for lunch.  The nutritionist like my liver enzymes had drop, and made some adjustment to my meal plan.  I did get to enjoy the sun on the terrace for 30 minutes to help get rid of some of the bilirubin. 

Overall, I really do feel much better and I can almost feel the cancer dying.  I just have to keep my head in the game, mentally pushing forward, spiritually aligned with the power of prayer to heal.  Focusing on the positive things I feel, and to continue to visualize cancer cells dying, which are all being done in the moment.  I even gained a pound back!

I was introduced to a new treatment called Sunivera Bio Immunotherapy on Saturday.  This is based on 25 years of research at several leading Japanese and US research centers in conjunction with H4C.  Our immune system keeps our body free of pathogens and stops any abnormal cell growth that could lead to cancer, but cancer it is also good at avoiding the immune system.  Sunivera replaces the cancer depleted natural immune system, but avoids the downside of other Bio Immunotherapies by not over activating the immune system that can produce serious autoimmune reactions or alter genes in the immune systems t-cells.  Sunivera’s MAF 15x more powerful in activating immune system macrophages into a form that can recognize and kill cancer cells.  It is another reason I came to this spa.  I get a shot daily in my stomach and I will be returning home with several liters to continue the treatment at home.  I thought this was pretty amazing.

I going to windup my day early.  Thank you for your prayers and love, I believe they are working!


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